January 15 2018 0Comment

Environmental Division

Projects Clients
1 Consultancy Services for Design and Construction Supervision for the proposed WFP Offices and Accommodation in Garowe, Puntland, Somalia WFP – Somalia
2 Design and Construction Supervision of the Students Recreational Centre at Main Campus, Kenyatta University Kenyatta University
3 Non-destructive test and evaluation of water storage tanks at Mazeras Under Works Supervision for Mzima pipeline and Tiwi Boreholes/Likoni pipeline Financing: World Bank (IDA) Coast Water Services Board (CWSB)
4 Design of Hydropower Generation Plant, Assessment of Spill Way Adequacy and Preparation of Tender Documents for Kirandich Dam Rift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB)
5 Assessment of the structural Integrity and carrying out Non-Destructive Testing of Unga Ltd Silos Located Along Commercial Street, Industrial Area, Nairobi Unga Limited
6 Study on Problems facing Grogan Irrigation Canal in Taita- Taveta District and Assessment of Scope of Rehabilitation Works for the Project National Water Corporation Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC)
7 Design of Proposed Administration Block of Muliro Friends Secondary School. Muliro Friends Secondary School
8 Design of Proposed Trinity Fellowship Student Centre – Maseno Trinity Fellowship Maseno
9 Design of Proposed Two Storey Classroom Block at AIC Training Centre, Eldoret African Inland Church Children’s Department

